Fake News

Have you ever tried to google “Best way to stay fit and healthy”? Try it – you will, without doubt, pull up an endless list of links, each one claiming that they know the answer. Does interval training burn fat faster? Should you lift weights? Is walking better than running? Is the treadmill better for your knees than running outside? Should you work out three, four or five times a week? Every other day? Every day?
No matter what your question is, you will find at least ten different, probably conflicting, answers. Does this mean that what is written is untrue? #Fakenews seems to be everywhere these days. How do we know what to believe? How do we know which method to follow? Are chia seeds good for you or do they just make your yogurt look more stylish?
This summer I had the opportunity to do various kinds of activities; hiking, biking and swimming as well as running and strength training. I found that, in the end, the activities that I would happily do again, were the ones I enjoyed the most. (Newsflash! It wasn’t the biking due to lack of seat padding – I believe that sitting down should be pain free!)
Fake News

Have you ever tried to google “Best way to stay fit and healthy”? Try it – you will, without doubt, pull up an endless list of links, each one claiming that they know the answer. Does interval training burn fat faster? Should you lift weights? Is walking better than running? Is the treadmill better for your knees than running outside? Should you work out three, four or five times a week? Every other day? Every day?
No matter what your question is, you will find at least ten different, probably conflicting, answers. Does this mean that what is written is untrue? #Fakenews seems to be everywhere these days. How do we know what to believe? How do we know which method to follow? Are chia seeds good for you or do they just make your yogurt look more stylish?
This summer I had the opportunity to do various kinds of activities; hiking, biking and swimming as well as running and strength training. I found that, in the end, the activities that I would happily do again, were the ones I enjoyed the most. (Newsflash! It wasn’t the biking due to lack of seat padding – I believe that sitting down should be pain free!)
I have always promoted enjoyment as being a fundamental factor in fitness training. No matter what you choose to do, you will not continue to do it, unless there is something about it that you enjoy. It can be the competitive part of your nature that thrives on playing a team sport. I can be the need to hear great music and switch off your brain. It can be the company of friends during those long runs, allowing you to talk in a way that you can’t when you are standing still. It can be the release of pent up tension you feel when boxing. It can be the feeling of success you feel when you lift more than you did the day before.
It doesn’t matter which activity you choose, if enjoyment is a factor, you will already be half way towards becoming a healthier and happier person. In the end, truth comes from within. Find out what makes you feel good and enjoy doing it!