The Children Are Our Future

Last Friday was the annual city running race. Every year they have a 3k and a 10k race. They close down roads and you get to run all the way up the high street. What I noticed this year was the families. It’s not really about how fast you can run 10 kilometres but more about how patient you can be with your 8 year old who has convinced themselves that running 3 kilometres is so easy they will be done in five minutes. The week before the race I ran most mornings. I saw a father running with his teenage daughter and his young son. The daughter had crossed the road and was refusing to run anywhere near them. I saw a couple of brothers running, one faster than the other – he would loop back to pick up the younger boy and carry on. I saw a mother with three little ones, jogging slowly but with a smile on her face as they, red faced, tried to keep up.
On race day there were hundreds of people of all different ages and sizes. It wasn’t about how fast you could run a race, it was about teaching the next generation what we believe is important.
How incredible to show our children what being healthy really means – not by telling them, but by showing them – not just on race day, show them EVERY day.